Do you have a child who is in elementary, middle school or high school? Does he or she spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer screen, either doing homework or surfing the internet? Is the core curriculum adding hours of work and anxiety to your household? Testing is a big part of a student's success at school and on college applications, but it is a cause of stress and concern to both the child and the parents.

Tutorcise offers solutions to help with your child's overall health, memory retention, and better results in school and on tests. An hour and a half of my method increases crucial oxygen flow to the brain, improves focus and short term memory, and decreases anxiety and stress, all while giving your child a time to stretch the body, participate in cardiovascular activity, and learn to breathe properly and relax.

I am a Certified New York State Teacher and a certified Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor (FitWomaNow!). Please contact me if you would like to know more about this program and how it can positively impact your child's success in school.

Like to help give Tutorcise a home to help underserved students in New York City?
Visit the YouCaring crowd-funding web site and help support the project!